Erik sails solo

But brings along hundreds of thousands followers

Alone at sea

Erik Aanderaa almost always sails solo but has hundreds of thousands of followers who watch his sailings on YouTube. He describes the fascination of crossing a vast ocean alone in a small boat and says the feeling of depending on one’s own ability to survive is powerful.

No bullshit just sailing

Stiff gale and 6 metre high waves

– The coolest adventure I ever had was the first time I crossed the North Sea by myself in the middle of winter to take part in the “Up Helly Aa" fire festival in Shetland, Scotland. There was a stiff gale and 6 metre high waves the whole time. It was a tremendously powerful experience , Erik says.

Sights set on Greenland
In 2022, Erik will once again sail across the North Sea, and in the spring he is planning his first voyage to Svalbard. But the big goal awaits when he makes his third attempt to sail to Greenland.

– The biggest challenge when I'm sailing is to keep a cool head when it's really stormy. I’m totally dependent on the boat being able to withstand the elements, and the boat is what keeps me alive at sea', Erik explains.

Preparation is key
Feeling healthy and strong is crucial to be able to endure when the weather is challenging and he's alone on board. He makes sure to pack warm clothes, high-energy food and plenty of fluids. He also packs DVDs for his on-board TV because he really loves watching films.

In 2021, Erik quit his job as a security instructor to sail full-time. Follow his travels on his YouTube channel No Bullshit Just Sailing.

Pack waterproof

Pack smart, light and dry with colour-coded dry bags

Find your boat compass

Compasses for powerboats and sailboats

Erik sails solo

But brings along hundreds of thousands of supporters